Thursday, October 16, 2008

Crocheted Hanger

I seem to have accumulated an ungodly amount of wire hangers. I have a theory that they, like paperclips, are a stage in the life cycle of a sock. Lost socks are the cocoons from which paperclips emerge, which then grow into wire hangers.

Okay, so maybe not. But they're still an annoyance. They leave little puckers in clothes and strappy stuff slides right off. Not to mention they seem to get tangled together easily and are just plain ugly.

I have a few crochet-covered hangers that I acquired at some point that are so much better. I knew there had to be a way to make them, if I could just figure it out. After some searching on the internet, borrowing from email groups and trial and error, here is the pattern I've come up with. It's pretty simple, just a little time consuming. This is a great project to work on while watching TV.

Crocheted Hangers

Free Image Hosting at (Click for a larger view.)

Yarn (I didn't measure how much each hanger took, and it might vary depending on your hanger, but they do take a fair amount. The good news is that it's the perfect use for all that ugly yarn you have lurking in your workbasket.)
F Hook
Wire hanger

Starting Chain: Ch the length around the triangle part of the hanger, plus about 1 inch.
Row 1: DC in third ch from hook and each ch to end.
Row 2: Ch 3. DC in each DC to end.
Row 3: Ch 1. Fold cover around hanger (use seam between rows as a guide). SC in DC and bottom of starting ch to end. Fasten off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess I need a video because I don't get it.