Thursday, October 2, 2008

Playing with Plarn Part 2: What Do You Make With It?

After a little hiatus, I'm back, hopefully on a more regular schedule. As promised, here is Part 2 of Playing with Plarn. So what can you make with plarn?

The easy answer is that anything you can crochet with yarn, you can crochet with plarn. Some things will lend themselves better to plarn than others. Who wants a plastic scarf or sweater? What does work well are bags and baskets. I have also heard of people making rugs out of plarn, but I haven't attempted this yet. Keep in mind that you will probably have to adjust your hook size. Tension is a little different, too, as plarn doesn't have as much "give" as the usual worsted weight yarn.

For more ideas on what you can make with plarn, you can Google "plastic bag crochet" and come up with a plethora of plarn patterns (say that ten times fast!). is a blog completely dedicated to making bags out of recycled materials, including plarn and cassette tapes.

Free Image Hosting at This is the first bag I made (click for a larger image). The pattern comes from Marlo's Crochet Corner.

Free Image Hosting at This is my latest plarn project (click for larger image). I adapted a pattern from the book Quick Crochet Huge Hooks by Sally Harding.

Whatever you decide to make, have fun!

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