Sunday, January 4, 2015

DIY 365: Denim Trivet

Yesterday I shared part of one of my bigger projects. Today I'm sharing something related to another big project. I've been working on a denim quilt, using squares cut from jeans that my kids have worn out. A by-product of that is the seams. These are really sturdy seams, prime crafting material.

With this prime crafting material, I made a coiled trivet.

From a pile of denim seams,

came this:

 This is another really easy project. I simply started with one seam and coiled it around itself.

I fastened it with a couple of quick basting stitches, just to hold it together.

I kept adding seams until I had used all the seams that I had, which yielded a good-sized trivet. To attach the final seam at the end, I used considerably more stitches to make sure it's secure.

You could also use a smaller version of this (fewer seams) to make a coaster.

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