Saturday, January 10, 2015

DIY 365: Crochet Bookmark Cuff Take 2

I'm totally hooked on these crochet bookmark cuffs now (pun intended). (For more about them, here's the original post.)

This one used a stitch pattern from my favorite book of stitches, the aptly named Ultimate Sourcebook of Knitting and Crochet Stitches. I originally checked this book out from the library, and I rechecked it out so many times that they refused to renew it for me any more. When I found a copy on a table of remaindered books at a local store, I snapped it up, and I've been using it ever since. If you ever want to try a new stitch pattern, there are plenty!

This stitch is called acrobatic stitch. For variation, I used a brown enamel button and took advantage of the built-in open space of the stitch for a closure.

You could probably use any stitch you like to create these bookmark cuffs, but I think the openwork stitches look the best. You could also extend the pattern to create a choker.

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