Thursday, October 9, 2008

Playing with Plarn Part 3: What To Do With Scraps

One of the downsides to making and using plarn is the scraps involved. The bottom seam, handles and any strips too torn to salvage all become essentially waste. I've struggled with what to do with these bits of plastic. Here is what I've come up with.
  • Throw away. This is perhaps the least desirable way of dealing with them. Part of why I craft with plarn is to keep from throwing away plastic bags.
  • Save and add to the plastic bag recycling collection receptacles at various stores. Slightly more desirable than throwing away, although I have heard stories about where these plastic bags really end up (the trash). I also think about the poor, unsuspecting plarn-crafter who might get their bag supply from these receptacles. I wouldn't be too happy to get someone else's scraps.
  • Use to stuff plarn creations, such as stuffed animals. Please note that plarn creations should not be given to small children to play with. They are, after all, plastic bags. (I did have an idea once to make a plarn cat bed after one of my cats showed a surprising tendency to nest on my neatly flattened bags. I haven't done it, as that cat sadly passed away before I could even start.)
  • Use as fringe for plarn rugs, although it won't hold up as well as the rest of the rug.
  • Another idea I haven't tried yet is fusing. Fusing is basically ironing pieces of plastic together to make a sort of fabric. I would think you could fuse the scraps, but, again, I haven't tried it, so I can't vouch for it. If you happen to try it, let me know how it turns out.

Here's my challenge, now that you've read all about plarn. What creative ways can you come up with for dealing with scraps?

1 comment:

RecycleCindy said...

Great ideas for using up those scrap plarn leftovers. Also you can use them for packing material when shipping items. I also want to try making some toys and using the scraps as stuffing material is a wonderful idea.